Children education


1. What is the education of children?
2. Why there are difficulties between parents and their children?
3. Some advices for parents
4. Results of the questionnaire
5. The resume of the questionnaire


Time goes forwards, but people still continue to make families, because everyone aspires to find understanding and love.
Family is a small union where must be order, because only this way it can exist. Family can include only two persons (man and woman) even if they don’t have the children or on the contrary (the couple with the children).
In this work I pay the interest for one of the most important themes in our life – education of the children. Is it enough for children to bear them and educate them? Certainly no. Every family has to realize that it child or children will make next generation. This is very important. All what the child has been learning stays in his consciousness. That’s why it is very important to impart them such qualities as understanding, the condolence, rationalism, honesty etc.
I think tnat this work can be interesting for persons who want to learn something new about education of children and maybe to look at it from another hand. In my opinion this work will help you change the relationships between you and your children.
My purpose is to acquaint you with children education’s problems and give you some advices which may help you don’t spoilt the children and their life.
My hypothesis is: in many cases parents spoilt their children.
My tasks:
o To familiarize with the pedagogical and psycholigical literature;
o To find out why there are disagreements between parents and their children;
o To give some advices on education of children;
o To make the questionnaire about how much well parents know their own children;
o To sum up the answers and to make own abstract.
This work consists of four parts, there is the questionnaire „How well do you know your child?”.

1. What is the education of children?

The education is transfer of cultural values from one generation into another. It is objective logical public process which is guided by development of the person and it is not separable from history.
The education carries out this following public functions:
o Keeps and transfers knowledge and practise of public behaviour from one generation into another;
o Prepares new generation for work in a public life and for participation in a life of the country;
o Forms person’s values, abilities and development.
The education is a purposeful, not separable from history, eternal and general necessary process.
The education had appeared with a development of a society and will be while there will be a society.
The education shows society’s purpose and needs. If purposes and needs changes, the education also will change.
It is possible to speak about the education since a primitive society. Then experience was transferred during the work. Different systems of education was in Old Greece: in Sparta there was a sports education but in Athens – the education was directed on harmony of mind and body.
The education as an action has three functions: to protect, to support, to develop. To protect means to provide meal, safety, an accommodation, to support means to care about biological, psychological, social needs of the child, to develop means to provide joint perception, skill to estimate, humanism.
The education is the pedagogical term which possible to understand in special, narrow and wide value.
1. In wide value – inheritance of social experience, development of person. Here enters learning.
2. In narrow value – person makes the attitude to the world, to the nature, to people, to himself, to the country.
3. In special value – to find the solution of one problem, for example, to develop taste.

2. Why there are difficulties between parents and their children?

Parents who bring up children have to always remember that their children are too people with their own desires, rights and opinions. Many difficulties arise because parents do not understand it.
Example: The child wishes to connect his life with music but parents do not allow it. They think that it is not profitable and force the child to study at the university (for example, to study medicine). In the end the child will throw study and in the life nothing will achieve or will reconcile to parent’s desire and always will be unhappy because the medicine is not pleasant to him.
Parents do not understand that cildren need to be given freedom of a choice. Why these parents cannot support them child? In the future he could become the well – known musician.
All know that the greatest disagreements between children and their parents appear when the child reaches teenage. Why?
On the one hand the teenager still remains the child, but he wishes to become adult, he wishes to express his own opinion with which parents will consider. Many parents cannot accept it because they think that their children are still too young.
Teenager’s negative attention to their parents and another adult people psychologists name as an illness or obstinacy. Obstinacy is the direction to that variant of action which the teenager chooses himself. Many psychologists think that the obstinacy in the teenage may become a character trait in the adult age.
Similar to obstinacy is negative. Negative is typical, normal phenomenon at the age of three when the child starts to train own will, rather unsuccessfully puts the purposes and denies adult’s propositions. In this time parents use to say that their child is changed. Very important during this period is to give the child freedom of a choice, for example, to ask what he wants for a dinner.
Teenager’s obstinacy and tree years old children negative are defects of will. Parents have to know that these phenomens are passing. In this time they have to support, help and understand their children.
In general it is possible to say that difficulties between children and their parents begin because for parents it is difficult to consider with their children opinions. They think that their children are small that they have to protect and teach teach them. But sooner or later children leave their families because they want to make their own families with their rulls, opinions, purposes. Whether is it necessary to forbid something constantly?
I want to add that in this work I more consider parents mistakes, because I think that children mistakes depend on their education. One of the well – known scientist said that he could make from children everybody – doctors, teachers, lawyers, even thieves.

3. Some advices for parents

o Allow your children to develop the abilities to express their opinions, give freedom of actions but achieve respect and understanding;
o Do not impose your opinion because then children will do everything on a harm to you;
o Allow your children to find their own hobbies, do not impose something what you think is useful and right;
o Supervise your children (who they meet, how spend their free time, what hobbies they have etc.) but do it invisible;
o Pay attention to your children friends. On this way you will find out with whom your children spend time, do they have or no bad habits, is it possible to your children to feel comfortable and safely with them etc;
o Help your children with study. This will show that you are interested in them difficulties. Then your children begins to respect you more;
o Interest your child in classical music, art, dances etc., but do not use such phrases as „all must know it”, „you will be not developed if you do not pay attntion to it” , because children do not like pay attention to something what is well – known. They simply don’t like obligations. Allow them open it anew, independently;
o Give your children more attention, induce them spend more time with their families and make this time for the most pleasant moments in your life.

4. Results of the questionnaire

1. How many hours can you spend on day with your children?

2. Do you know what estimations has your child?

3. Do you know how does your child spend free time?

4. Do you know what hobbies has you child?

5. How often do you spend your free time with your family, child?

6. Do you read books about the children education?

7. Do you know your child tasty meal, colour, season, animal?

8. How do you estimate you as a teacher?

9. How often do you have difficulties with your child?

10. Do you support your child if he constantly tries to do something independently?

11. Do you often allow your child to choose independently?

12. If your child chooses a trade which you do not like, will you agree?

13. Do you try to impose your child your own will?

14. Do you think that you understand your child?

14. Do you believe your child?

5. The resume of the questionnaire

I had made this questionnaire for parents who have the children teenagers. I had interrogated parents at the age from 30 to 45. They have the children on age 11 till 17. All these parents work, they have different trades and they are not alcoholics, addicts and their incomes are not less than 120 lats for one parent.
The title of questionnaire was “How well do you know your child?” My task was to find out how well these 20 parents know their children and made the resume about relationships between parents and their children.
The questionnaire consisted of 15 questions. All these questions I wrote in Latvian and Russian and than, for this work, had translated them from these languages into English (all questions and the answers).
In general I can say that parents and their children relationships are good. For example, 15 parents answered that they spend 2-3 hours with their children, 2 parents more than 5 hours and 3 parents approximately one hour.
100% answered that they know how study their children.
Interesting was that not all parents know how their children spend free time. For example, 10 answered that know it often, 4 – seldom, 1- never and only 5 parents always know it. About children hobbies also do not know half of 20 parents.
It appears that 15 of 20 parents spend their free time with the children once in month, 5 parents – every weekend.
I have made conclusion that many parents do not educate their children seriously, do not pay attention to it. 15 parents don’t read the books about children education and 5 parents do it. This means that they are sure about their abilities to educate children or simply do not perceive it seriously.
Almost all parents know their children tasty meal, colour, animal, season (15).
Some parents think that they pay not enough attention to their children.
13 parents had answered that they often have difficulties with their children. Only 7 parents think that they have to allow their children to express their own opinions, to show own points of view etc. 6 parents do not allow do it and 7 – not always. But 17 parents had answered that they allow their children to make their own choice.
If the child chooses a trade which parents do not like, 10 parents will accept his choice, 6 parents don’t know what will they do and 4 parents will not allow choose that trade which they do not like.
It appears that only one parent thinks that he has never imposed his will to his child, 14 parents admit that sometimes they impose their will and 3 parents do it regularly.
Almost all parents think (17) that know their own child, 2 parents think that not always know him and one parent admits that he doesn’t understand his children.
Almost all parents believe their children.
I specially find parents who have the children teenagers. I wanted to know have parents difficulties with their children at these age or no and it was find out that yes, they have difficulties.
I had made conclusion:
o Parents can spend approximately 2-3 hours on day with their children;
o All parents know how their children study;
o Not all parents know how their children spend their free time and what hobbies they have;
o Parents do not pay serious attention to children education;
o Many parents try to impose their will and rights to their children;
o Some parents think that they do not know their children;
o Some parents do not believe their children


The education exists from old time and it task is to put in order a society. Every parent duty is to bring up his child for good person because he will be one of the people who will make a new generation. He will give his knowledge to the next generation.
Each parent is a teacher. He is as the gardener who carries about seed which in the future will become pretty, beautiful flower.
The greatest difficulties between children and their parents appear at the teenage because then children develop their “M” and try to be adult. At this age they use to be nasty. Parents have to understand them and show the love.
The results of the questionnaire show that not every parent has good relationships with his child. They have to learn how to understand young generation, have to share happy and bad moments in life. Then the child will feel as an adult member of the family.
In the end I would like to invite parents to care more about their children and children education. On this way they can avoid many unpleasant moments. Don’t spoilt your children, but bring them for good people.


1. Jurgena I. „Vispārīgā pedagoģija”, page 3
2. Meikšāne Dz. „Psiholoģija mums pašiem”, page 53
3. Vorobjovs „Vispārīgā psiholoģija”, page 64 and 159
4. /slovari