The research paper under investigation analyses the idea of teaching academic writing at secondary school.
The work presents an analysis of the most useful ways of teaching academic writing. The object of the diploma paper is investigate different sources of literature, systemize the approaches and techniques of teaching writing in English Language Teaching classes and find out through practical part the advantages and disadvantages in using different approaches in teaching academic writing.
The work consists of introduction, three chapters, a bibliography, a list of references and ten appendixes.
The aim of the paper is to find out the most useful ways of teaching writing at secondary school.
The work holds the hypothesis to be proved. The hypothesis of the diploma paper is that different writing tasks increase students’ writing skills and enhance their motivation.
The theoretical part of the work is the demonstration of the theoretical aspects of teaching writing.
The body of the paper consists of three parts.
The first chapter is devoted to the investigation of different theories on teaching writing as well as different approaches to it. The information given in this chapter discusses the product, process and genre approaches to teaching writing, outlines different types of writing and describes different stages of the process of writing.
The second chapter emphasizes on specific types of academic writing.
The third chapter deals with the pilot teaching materials and the results. It pinpoints once more that the hypothesis is being proved in this particular work.
To reveal the theme the author suggests the enabling objectives. They are two:
• to study and analyze the relevant literature;
• to select the appropriate approaches to academic writing;
and Practical:
• classroom observation
• interview with students and colleagues.
• questionnaire presented to students.
• working out practical plans for teaching academic writing for secondary learners