Comparison and Contrasting of Rebecca and Rowena

Comparison and Contrasting of Rebecca and Rowena
/W. Scott „Ivanhoe”/

None of these two heroines is the main character of the novel. Still they are important for the development of the story. There are some similarities between Rowena and Rebecca, but in fact they are slightly different 2nd plan characters.
Both Rowena and Rebecca are beautiful young ladies, honored and respected in their communities. They both are mentally strong and proud of who they are. The two women were in love with the same person, Ivanhoe. There was nothing blameworthy in their behavior. Both ladies were chaste and merciful.
Information given about Rowena was less than about Rebecca. Out of it I judged of my preferences about the heroines. The both ladies are positive characters, still I liked Rebecca more. As she was a Jewish woman, she was disliked by Saxons and Normans. But she was always proud of her origin and did not betray her roots and religion. The money was not the main thing for her. She had a sharp mind and inborn willpower. Rebecca was also extremely patient and depended on her faith. When she had an opportunity to escape from danger together with Brian de Bois-Guilbert, she refused. She couldn’t think only of herself and leave her father and Ivanhoe in despair. Most probably Rowena would have acted the same way. Still I am on Rebecca’s side because she was untruly oppressed and disliked only because of her origin. Still she did not bear malice on these people but swallowed the hate in proud humbleness. As her love to Ivanhoe was impossible, she accepted it and didn’t do any harm to Ivanhoe and Rowena. Out of all this I judge that Rebecca was a truly noble person.