Zemgale region is located in the south of Latvia.
Nationality-latvian, russian. In Zemgale included Jelgava, Bauska, Jekabpils, Aizkraukle and Dobele district.
• Bauska. The Bauska region is located in the south of Latvia- in Zemgale plain. Bauska border on with Lithuania, Jelgava and Aizkraukle district. In the 15th century built Bauska castle.
• Dobele. Dobele borders with Tukums and Jelgava. There are born state presidents- Karlis Ulmanis and Alberts Kviesis, writer Anna Brigadere. The Tervete nature park is one of most popular place of interest in Latvia.
• Jelgava. Jelgava is situated 42 km from the capital Riga in the plain of Zemgale. The city is divited by the river Lielupe. Jelgava palace was built in 1783 by F.B.Rastrelli. In Jelgava city live 65 000 population and in Jelgavas district live 37 000 people. Area of Jelgava 6032ha and area of Jelgava district 1605km2. Traditions- city festival in May, in spring- easter walk in castle island, in winter happen ice sculpture festival.
• Aizkraukle. The Daugava river divide the district in two parts. The left coast of the Daugava belongs to Zemgale plain, a part of the right coast belongs Vidzeme height area. The popular place ruins of the Koknese castle.
• Jekabpils. There are many parks and squares. The oldest is Struve parks. River Daugava run between Jekabpils and Krustpils, trough the district territory for 93 km. In Jekabpils located Krustpils castle built in 1237, nowadays- Jekabpils history museum.